Smart Food Safety Management

Meats, poultry, perishables, and thousands of other food items must be protected from temperature excursions in a variety of environments, and this poses a significant quality management challenge for all parties within the food service supply chain. 

in collaboration with Microsoft - utilizing Azure Cloud services - is here to help by implementing Smart Food Safety Management system using wireless sensors & internet of things advanced technologies to capture, document, and report the temperature & humidity values to meet and exceed the FDA's Model Food Code, thus ensuring the safety & quality of food 24/7/365 with instant alerts whenever a fault is detected.


Remotely control and monitor temperature & humidity conditions in real time
Enable pro-active threat management
Produce automated, digitized food inspection records


Improve employee efficiency by reducing time-consuming activities and errors
Automate reporting with real-time streaming analytics
Improve reaction time to health hazards with automated threat alerts


Improve employee efficiency through the automation of manual and accident-prone tasks
Reduce food waste to reduce operational cost
Reduce loss of reputation and customers because of spoiled food

Why Choose RUBICS

Due to the following facts about RUBICS, In addition to our technical and commercial expertise, well-placed pricing strategy, we have a dedicated and entrepreneurial team that will not hesitate to go the extra mile to satisfy our clients:

Early Adopters of Internet of Things (started IoT practices in 2014)

Partners of Microsoft Azure Team

Using ZigBee as the Backbone Wireless Technology

2 Years Warranty on all Hardware (Made in Italy)

All Sensors have European Calibration Certificates

Utilizing the Efficient Cloud Services of Microsoft Azure

How we work

Smart Food Safety Management projects pass through the following phases

1 Install Sensors
& Gateways
2 Configure ZigBee
& Cloud Connectivity
3 Develop
& Reports
4 Maintain the

Reports & Analystics

The most important part of implementing an IoT system is to make use of the huge amount of data the sensors are generating periodically. RUBICS develops on top of Microsoft Azure analytical and business intelligence services advanced statistical and predictive models that will help in the "Decision Science" and enhance organizations' Pro-Activity in preventing future threats.